Painting/Works 2023
어느 곳에나 있다.
어느 곳에나 있다.
2023.05.10It is everywhere. │ 2023 │ Oil on Canvas │ 60.6×90.9㎝
지혜의 눈
지혜의 눈
2023.05.10The Eyes of Wisdom │ 2023 │ Acrylic, Oil on Canvas │ 45.5×45.5㎝
2023.05.10Line of Vision │ 2023 │ Acrylic, Oil on Canvas│ 45.5×45.5㎝
동시적이고 점진적인
동시적이고 점진적인
2023.01.15Simultaneous and Gradual │ 2023 │ Acrylic, Oil on Canvas │ 65.1×100㎝
숲의 기억
숲의 기억
2023.01.15Memory of the Forest │ 2023 │ Acrylic, Oil on Canvas │ 100×80.3㎝